A theatrical musical experience charting a life in between...
First Performance: Thu 26 January 2023, 7.30pm.
Contact Theatre, Manchester
A woman emerges from a laundry bag one night, on an industrial estate in a Northern city, next to a rhumba band of buskers.
Why is she there? Has she escaped from somewhere? Has she done something bad? Or is she the victim?
She has no idea. But she does know the words to some of the songs, and she hears voices.
It's for you to decipher what has happened, and perhaps decide what happens next.
This is musical theatre for difficult times.
Performed by Phil Shellard
Directed by Richard Ross
Written by Pieter Egriega
Musical Director Charlie Ormrod
Graphic design by Hannah Mclennan-Jones
Supported by Arts Council England (R&D grant)
Thu 26 January 2023, 7.30pm.
Contact Theatre, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6JA
Travel information available on Contact's website
Age guidance: 12+
Tickets £10
Listen to a music sample from the show:
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